Aims to develop solutions for zero-touch service, network and security management in multi-stakeholder environments, making use of Smart Contracts based on Distributed Ledgers Technologies to implement required business agility.
The project will validate the solutions developed through the following use cases:
- Smart Contracts for Ubiquitous Computing/Connectivity: Covers mechanisms for the implementation of DTL-anchored Smart Contracts and Oracles for enabling decentralised trust for multi-party interactions and SLA management in trading of computing (and other) resources across Edge and core parts of the network.
- Dynamic Spectrum Allocation: Envisions blockchain-enabled spectrum markets where shared spectrum usage right holders can trade and lease spectrum rights for a given area and time, enhancing spectrum efficiency while maintaining the QoS at the required level.
- Pervasive vCDN Services: Covers the capacity for delivering scalable, pervasive vCDN services including HQ video streaming (live and/or VoD), in situations with significant variations in the context of flash crow scenarios.
Our team brings its experience in software networks (NFV/SDN) with special focus on open source MANO frameworks such as OSM, Cloudify or SONATA (this is a result of 5G PPP projects SONATA and 5GTANGO coordinated by Atos), which will be used to the developments carried out in WP3 Evolved 5G Service layer with 5G DLT and distributed AI and WP4 Zero-Touch Automation with Trust, Security, and AI.
Specifically, in WP2, Atos leads the use case and requirements elicitation from T2.1 and also contributes to the design of the platform architecture, aiming to align the design with the developments done in WP4. Our team is involved in creating requirements and architecture to meet the goal of trusted and automated multi-operator deployments. Within the project, our most important mission is to apply orchestration and zero-touch mechanisms to provide non-repudiation NFV license control, regardless of the location and proprietary software vendor. In addition, we are investigating performance and connectivity issues between the infrastructures of different domains.