Aims to develop the first European federated architecture for data sharing serving the European logistics community of shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities, and authorities in order to offer interoperability between any existing and future platforms.
The idea of FENIX comes from the work and recommendations of the European Commission’s Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF) to create a viable and valid federative network of platform as an enabler for B2A and B2B data exchange and sharing.
FENIX will also exploit Internet of Things (IoT), satellite navigation and retrospective historical data, by leveraging automated processes and intelligent algorithms to identify opportunities for more enhanced streamlining of routes, customisation of cargo routing combinations, and optimisation of delivery schedules.
We are the technical leader and are in charge of Activity 3. Within this activity, it will be provided a specification for the implementation of the FENIX Connector, which will be the main component to enable data sharing among the FENIX Federation members. Atos is also involved in one of the pilots and will implement the FENIX Connector in the AEOLIX platform.