Under the topic of the month, “Cybersecurity for Verticals”, project FISHY (coordinated by ATOS) was included in the ECSO Cybersecurity Awareness Calendar on June.

Fishy at ECSO CS Awareness Calendar

This fancy dissemination tool features a different topic each month “to spread awareness of key aspects of cybersecurity and showcase ECSO Members’ and Partners' solutions and services in the relevant areas to potential users”.​​​​​​​

As explained in its website, “ECSO is the privileged partner of the European Commission for the implementation of the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership, as well as a recognized actor in the European institutional landscape. A pan European, multi-stakeholder and cross sectoral partnership organization working on cybersecurity with a holistic approach, ECSO federates the European Cybersecurity public and private sector, including large companies (ATOS among them), SMEs and start-ups, research centers, universities, end-users and operators of essential services, clusters and associations, as well as the local, regional and national public administrations across the European Union Members States, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and H2020 Programme associted countries”.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

On the other hand, FISHY aims at “delivering a coordinated cyber resilient platform towards establishing trusted supply chains of ICT systems through novel evidence-based security assurance methodologies and metrics as well as innovative strategies for risk estimation and vulnerabilities forecasting leveraging state-of-the-art solutions, leading to resilient complex ICT systems”. This last month’s calendar topic, "Cybersecurity for verticals" focuses precisely on all vertical application sectors which help ensure the cyber resilience of our economy, infrastructure and services, such as energy, transport, health and digital infrastructure. ​​​​​

Next calendar topics for the rest of the year will be:

  • July: Social engineering
  • August: Privacy & data security
  • September: Organisational resilience​​​​​​​
  • ​​October: Cyber hygiene & readiness
  • November: Cloud computing
  • December: Threat & vulnerability management​​​​​​​​​​
Fishy logo

FISHY 3rd Press release

Key Innovations in Supply Chain Cybersecurity and Resillience that Make Sense in Today's Industry