Cloud-Edge Efficient & Trustworthy AI

Francesco D'Andria
Funding Program
Horizon Europe eu flag
Project Date

The overall vision of MANOLO is to deliver a complete and trustworthy stack of algorithms and tools to help AI systems reach better efficiency and seamless optimization in their operations, resources and data required to train, deploy and run high-quality and lighter AI models in both centralised and cloud-edge distributed environments:

  • A next-generation Hardware-aware optimisation for trustworthy efficient AI
  • Reduction of environmental footprint
  • New business models for cloud-edge continuum AI software and hardware
  • New guidelines for trustworthy efficient AI systems & edge autonomy
  • Use of open-source and benchmarks for promoting excellence
Our role

Main capabilities:

  • Leading global tech and digital services provider.
  • AI research and cybersecurity expertise proven across a wide range of European projects.

Key roles:

  • Technology Provider, WP5 Leader - Assessment Framework co-design & coordination
  • Trustworthy-driven Policy Validation
  • Energy Efficiency and Model Performance Analysis.