The project focuses on the development of cybersecurity solutions in the form of reliable, flexible, scalable, and efficient ICT components for Critical Infrastructures Information (CIIs).
The innovative proposal presented by the CyberSANE consortium foresees the development of a system addressing both technical and cognitive challenges related to the identification, prevention and protection against attacks on critical infrastructures through collecting, compiling, processing and fusing of all individual incident-related information for ensuring the integrity and validity of Infrastructures, helping decision-makers to understand the technical aspects of an attack and draw conclusions on how to respond.
Atos contributes to CyberSANE project as the WP5 leader regarding the development of the HybridNet component. We are also the leader of WP11 concerning dissemination activities, project exploitation, sustainability and market impact, to which all other partners report on a regular basis.
In addition, Atos participates in the incident handling analysis, stakeholder requirements as well as detailed architectural and technical specifications (WP2). Furthermore, the company is an active participant in the development of the LiveNet (WP3), ShareNet (WP6) and PrivacyNet (WP7) components. Our expertise is also used during the deployment and test phase (WP8) as well as the overall technical and business evaluation, and the definition of application and use guidelines (WP10).