The project is led by Atos Spain S.A., an international IT Services provider and Coordinator of STORK and STORK 2.0 projects, and also brings together: a) three partner Universities in the role of service and academic attribute providers of electronic services for students (UJI, UNIT and UAegean), with strong technical expertise and previous experience in EU co-funded R&D projects related to eID technology development and use, with UNIT as leading technology provider for the higher academic sector in Norway.
The project is endorsed by the Spanish MINHAP, Difi in Norway, and the Greek HMAR, which run the respective eIDAS nodes in the 3 Member States.
The ESMO project aims to:
Offer cross-border technical solutions to HEIs ensuring ease of integration with eIDAS and exchange of (simple) academic attributes.
Facilitate widespread mobility based on paperless procedures enabled by a EU cross-border use of eIDAS accepted eIDs, leveraging strong legal foundation of eIDAS.
Streamline administrative procedures and efficient access to a wide range of services for students incl. virtual learning and information assets.
Enable sectorial governance and trust of the HEI connectivity to MS eIDAS nodes and Academic Domain Specific Attributes through the HUB node concept
Provide phased & scalable interconnection of academic eServices and data sources (incl. future mutual eIDAS & eduGAIN inter-federation)
Propose recommendations, road-mapping and collaboration measures through consultive interactions with key EHEA stakeholders
To help realise this vision, ESMO propose to implement an education sector specific HUB.
ESMO guiding principles:
There would be one central education sector specific HUB per MS responsible for connecting all HEIs in that MS.
The HUB would ideally be governed by the NRENs in each MS, who would ultimately control the HEIs that are connected to the HUB and also the EU wide coordination of Domain Specific Attributes in the education sector.
As long as the Domain Specific Attributes aren´t natively supported on the eIDAS network, the HUBs will be able to be interconnected in a point-2-point network with other MS HUBs to exchange education specif attributes across borders, similar to the eIDAS network configuration.
The HUB network connecting MS´s education sector Attribute Providers will also follow the same privacy and confidentiality principles of the eIDAS network as it has the same requirements for protecting citizen´s personal data, as eIDAS.