The objective is to interconnect the information along the life of a product, from concept to retirement, so that it can be easily accessed and shared.
AI4Cities is an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) that has selected 41 suppliers (one of them being Atos) to design, implement and test innovative AI solutions in the fiel
TeraFlow will create a novel cloud-native SDN controller for beyond 5G networks.
BD4NRG aims to enable an incremental decentralized energy data-driven ecosystem and a collaborative data sovereignty driven ecosystem.
MCU Fortifier is a project aimed at improving security on the Internet of Things, developing a software product and laying the foundations for the creation of a startup that will m
AURORAL started in January 2021 and it is estimated to end on December 31st 2024.
It will also contribute to security, privacy and trusts systems. 
The Hexa-X project is the flagship for beyond 5G/6G vision and intelligent fabric of technology enablers connecting human, physical, and digital worlds: connected intelligence, networks of networks
INTEGRADDE aims to develop an end-to-end Digital Additive Manufacturing (AM) solution, based on DED technologies [i.e.
Aims to validate 5G KPIs for various 5G use cases, in both controlled set-ups and large-scale events.
CANDELA is a platform that uses Copernicus data and brings together all those who use, create and interpret geodata, combining data, software,