There are three sub-projects (SP) within 6G ENABLERS. Eviden is in subproject 6GENABLERS-DLT, which has two work packages. Eviden is working in WP2 (Smart Contracts).
The main objective of 6GENABLERS is to design and prototype enablers for 6G based on artificial intelligence, distributed logging technologies and cybersecurity, while the sub-project 6GENABLERS-DLT aims to develop and implement a smart marketplace anchored on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), capable of supporting multi-party collaboration as the backbone of dynamic 6G ecosystems. To this end, the use of DLTs and smart contracts will be studied as enabling technologies to ensure trust and privacy together with the establishment of immutable and non-repudiable transactions, towards the consolidation of pervasive and multi-domain 6G deployments.