EU SMEs/mid-caps face clear barriers in the uptake of Additive Manufacturing (AM) related to lack of skilled human resources, and lack of access to know-how, equipment, infrastructure and markets.
The principal objective of this project is to overcome those barriers and enable the uptake of AM technologies by SMEs/mid-caps leading to the development of innovative business and service models and new value-chain models in a fully digital environment – thus bringing their ideas and business cases to life and making their innovations Additively Manufacturable (AMable).
Atos leads the design, development, and deployment of the blockchain infrastructure where the traceability of different data assets involved in the different manufacturing process chains are managed. This solution provides full immutability, transparency, and security to the data managed, as well as full interoperability with the Industrial Data Spaces connector, which offers a full-trust approach to the AMable platform.
Furthermore, Atos provides technical support to the different open calls launched in the scope of the project and collaboration in dissemination activities.