CrowdHEALTH intends to integrate high volumes health-related heterogeneous data from multiple sources with the aim of supporting policy making decisions. The project is delivering a secure ICT platform that seamlessly integrates Big Data technologies, providing Data as a Service (DaaS) and a Data Analysis Toolkit. This platform intends to collect and aggregate high volumes' data from multiple information sources in different regions and institutions in Europe.
CrowdHEALTH also proposes the evolution of Patient Health Records (PHR) towards the so-called Holistic Health Records (HHRs) to include additional health determinant data, such as sensors collected data, lifestyle, nutrition, etc.
Atos is represented in the project by the Data Intelligence Lab from ARI, specialized in big data, data integration, linked data, semantics and language technologies. ARI team is also one of the most prominent and active stakeholders of the Data Value Chain unit on Big Data, being part of the consultation process for the future PPP on Big Data. Atos has also a prominent role in the Future Internet initiative, especially in the area of the data chapter. From the technical perspective the knowledge lab has a proven track record.
In CrowdHEALTH, Atos has the role of project coordinator, and also plays a major role in WP3 by implementing both semantic interoperability techniques and a semantic layer for supporting national and cross-border heterogeneity of health data among all the public health authorities. What is more, Atos participates in dissemination and exploitation tasks, and is involved, as a main actor, in the activities related to the market analysis and exploitation plan definition.