DataVaults aims to deliver a novel framework and architecture that leverages personal data, coming from diverse sources (sensors, IoT, wearables, data APIs, historical data, social network data, activity trackers, health records, demographic profiles, etc.) to help individuals construct their unified personal data hub, collect at a single point all of their personal data in a secure and trusted manner, and retain ownership and control on what to share and with whom, receiving also compensation for the artefacts they place at the disposal of other third parties.
In turn, third party organizations (companies, public sector, NGOs, etc.) arrive at a position where they can request and get access to tons of personal data, which can complement the ones they already manage and that can be used for generating more efficient, effective and value added services, engaging with individuals into an entirely new way for data sharing, which generates trust and an increased feeling of collaboration, as the data owners (e.g. individuals) become the centre of attention and the most important partner and collaborator of those third parties.
At the core of DataVaults lies the DataVaults personal data value chain which could from now on be seen as a multi-sided and multi-tier ecosystem governed and regulated by smart contracts to safeguard personal data ownership, privacy and usage and attribute value to all entities that generate value within this chain and especially data owners.
DataVaults will deliver a framework and platform that will set, sustain and mobilize this ever-growing ecosystem for personal data sharing and for enhanced collaboration between those who own data (data owners) and those who seek data (data seekers).
Atos is leading the definition of the DataVaults value chain. Moreover, our team works actively in privacy-aware and big data analytics.
Atos also takes part in privacy and blockchain-related work for the implementation of the Security, Privacy and Trust Bundles, in addition to be responsible for the technical Verification and Integration Testing of the platform and will assist in the pilots’ development, integration and exploitation of the results.