K-HEALTHinAIR aims at the assessment of the indoor air quality (IAQ) effects in health on the basis of an extensive monitoring campaign of chemical and biological indoor air pollutants in several very representative at EU level indoor locations together with a deep research on their sources, interactions and main correlations with health problems by means of theoretical analysis, clinical trials and tests (includes in vivo/vitro approaches).
Moreover, the project will deliver affordable and easy-to-implement measurements to monitor and improve current IAQ; structured knowledge coming from both the monitoring, characterization and research stages formed by extensive and accurate data, qualitative information and guidelines in an easy and fully open access format to support public authorities, policy makers and many other collectives; innovative equipment and associated tools to the citizens as main final users enabling them to monitor indoor air quality for identifying health risks and suggesting suitable solutions to mitigate them.
The organization and publication of the generated knowledge in a fully open access platform looks for being considered a reference in accuracy and simplicity to favor easy consultation from public authorities and policy makers and support the definition of new legislations, regulations and standards. K-HEALTHinAIR ensures the integration of the existing legislation (e.g. in work places) within a comprehensive proposition of new indoor air quality standards leading new science-based regulations. K-HEALTHinAIR will deploy activities leading to effectively engaging most of the collectives concerned verifying that project results will impact as it is expected.
Eviden is WP2 leader (IAQ health effects algorithm configuration) and also participates in the open-access platform specification and construction.