The EU-funded PROCareLife project proposes an integrated scalable and interactive care ecosystem. It will focus on neurodegenerative disorders, seeking the best actions to improve quality of life, understanding and care management as well as to offer personalized proposals that can ameliorate health conditions. The project will implement multidisciplinary communication between involved stakeholders, aiming to complete a cost-affordable, flexible and adaptable to other chronic diseases' solution.
The main contribution of PROCareLife consists in proposing an integrated scalable and interactive care ecosystem, which can be easily adapted to the reality of several chronic diseases, care institutions and end-user requirements, benefiting all the involved actors, from patients, to caregivers and health professionals. Its main contributions consist of: (a) building an integrated scalable and interactive care ecosystem for neurodegenerative diseases and adaptable to other chronic conditions; (b) finding the best actions/measures from a medical and social point of view that can facilitate an improved quality of life, awareness and care management for senior users suffering from neurodegenerative and/or other chronic diseases; (c) provide a personalized recommendation and interaction model, which can support the user through gamification techniques to adopt healthy habits, maintain a good daily routine and follow the prescribed actions by the professionals for maintaining and improving their health condition; (d) enable multi-disciplinary communication between all involved stakeholders, better time management for social and health professionals and contribute to achieving a cost-efficient, flexible and high adaptable solution for senior users suffering from short or long term conditions.
We lead WP5 PROCareLife Integrated Care Platform designing the architecture, implementing the User Interfaces, and the Continuous integration tasks. In addition, we strongly contribute in the exploitation activities