Improving the resilience of infrastructures affected ​​​​​​​by pandemics

Antonio Álvarez
Atos Spain
Funding Program
Horizon Europe eu flag
Project Date

SUNRISE aims to increase the resilience of critical infrastructures in order to be ready for future major events, in the light of the experience acquired during the COVID pandemics. These events may be not only new pandemics but also, they might be related to climate change or scarcity of resources among others.

To do it the project will foster cross-sectorial and cross-border collaboration between critical infrastructure operators, governmental authorities, ICT-intensive institutions and SSH and legal experts as well. The project will create a stable working group for future years to monitor the readiness of the critical infrastructures for future challenges and will contribute with a set of ICT tools to provide support in order to achieve this challenge.

Our role

ATOS' involvement in this project will be relevant and productive in the coming years for several reasons: ATOS has previous experience on projects about critical infrastructure protection and has carried out pilots in real operators. In this project the results are piloted in 18 different critical infrastructures in 8 different countries. There will be a collaboration activity, in which ATOS will be present, where good practices will be shared, and cross-sector synergies will be discovered. The vast amount of knowledge that will be generated in these exchanges will be leveraged by ATOS not only in this project but also in other corporate activities. The development of technical solutions that will address different problems of critical infrastructure operators, with a high level of maturity and closeness to the market is another great benefit for ATOS in this project. Additionally, around half of the Consortium is new to ATOS in European Projects; this extends our already vast contact network: of particular relevance is the development of a significant number of contacts in the Balkan Region, in particular Slovenia and Serbia. Finally, being the coordinators of such a large project strengthens ATOS visibility not only towards the European Commission but also to the European R&D&I community.

Furthermore, the project has followed a national collaboration strategy in the first instance, the results of which will be scaled up for cross-border collaboration. Three national clusters have been established: Spain, Slovenia and Italy. ATOS is vice-leader of the Spanish Cluster, managed by UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)