Analyzing Particularities of Sensor Datasets for Supporting Data Understanding and Preparation

Special Issue Applied Data Science and Intelligence
Data scientists spend much time with data cleaning tasks, and this is especially important when dealing with data gathered from sensors, as finding failures is not unusual (there is an abundance of research on anomaly detection in sensor data).

Olive Trees Stress Detection Using Sentinel

IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
In the field of plant disease protection, many approaches exist, but all acknowledge the necessity of fast and accurate identification of the source in order to make the most efficient applications.

Running simulations in HPC and cloud resources by implementing enhanced TOSCA workflows

International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS)
In general, one of the complexities of large simulations is related to the usage of the heterogeneous computational resources that are needed to execute them. The definition of workflows, usually linked to concrete orchestrations solutions, has reduced most of that complexity.

Towards Accurate Simulation of Global Challenges on Data Centers Infrastructures via Coupling of Models and Data Sources

International Conference on Computational Science
Accurate digital twinning of the global challenges (GC) leads to computationally expensive coupled simulations.