Smart solutions for tomorrow’s energy-efficient buildings
EU-funded researchers have developed a cloud-based platform to reduce energy use in buildings and battery energy storage systems to benefit end users and utility providers.
Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda for an AI PPP
This document details the strategy, the research needs, the critical importance of innovation in Artificial Intelligence and recommendations for future investments in Europe.
What is edge computing?
Edge computing locates computing and storage resources at the edge of the network, with the intention of getting data and analytics to the right place, at the right time. It decentralises data processing and avoids non-essential data transmission.
Edge Computing Whitepaper
This whitepaper provides an overview of edge computing technology, use cases and existing market developments.
An Overview on ARIES: Reliable European Identity Ecosystem
Chapter in book “Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape” by River Publishers.
ISBN: 9788770220880
LEPS – Leveraging eID in the Private Sector
Chapter in book “Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape” by River Publishers.
ISBN: 9788770220880
ARIES project
Chapter 11 in book “Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy – the European Research Landscape”, ISBN: 978-87-7022-088-0
ARIES: Evaluation of a reliable and privacy-preserving European identity management framework
In book "Future Generation Computer Systems", Volume 102, 2020, Pages 409-425, ISSN 0167-739X.
Data protection in the era of artificial intelligence. Trends, existing solutions and recommendations for privacy-preserving technologies
Published by Big Data Value Association (BDVA)
Next Generation Platform-as-a-Service (NGPaaS) From DevOps to Dev-for-Operations
NGPaaS White Paper published on Atos Global Blog
Artificial Intelligence Data Science Methodology for Earth Observation
Chapter in Book "Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications", 978-1-78984-639-3, by IntechOpen