Dynamic Threat Intelligence for Improvement of Resilience of Critical Infrastructure During Pandemics
19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS). Belgrade, Serbia
The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of a temporary situation when critical infrastructure (CI) operators had to operate with continuously changing conditions. The role of cyber infrastructure during pandemics, for example for the remote work or access to critical systems, has also changed.
How does resilience relate to risk
Project SUNRISE's blog
"Risk and resilience are interconnected concepts. In fact, one of our goals in SUNRISE is to integrate resilience metrics with risk metrics.
Stack and Stick are in Stock
CROSSCON website (blog)
The CROSSCON is a research project that targets developing research ideas into practical techniques and supporting prototypes, and the level of ambition is to validate results in lab conditions that are representative of a complex IoT system (i.e., technology readiness levels TRL 4 and TRL5).