A Security Services Management Architecture Toward Resilient 6G Wireless and Computing Ecosystem

IEEE Access - Early Access
The upcoming sixth-generation (6G) networks are expected to be more heterogeneous, scalable, reliable, secure and energy-efficient.

A Testbed for a Nearby-Context Aware: Threat Detection and Mitigation System for Connected Vehicles

IEEE / 2023 JNIC Cybersecurity Conference (JNIC)
The fact than more and more Cyber-Physical or IoT systems are integrated in vehicle fleets, coupled with the growing connectivity of these devices, poses a higher risk of cyber attacks, due to the increased attack surface.

ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system

ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system. Aljosa Pasic, Jose-Ramon Martinez-Salio, Susana Gonzalez Zarzosa, Rodrigo Diaz. Reggio Calabria, Italy, August 29 – September 1, 2017 (ARES 2017)

An SDN-based Architecture for Security Provisioning in Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) Computing Systems

Sarang Kahvazadeh, Vitor B. Souza, Xavi Masip-Bruin, Eva Marín-Tordera, Jordi Garcia, Rodrigo Diaz. An SDN-based Architecture for Security Provisioning in Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) Computing Systems. CIPSEC project.

Large Scale Surveillance, Detection and Alerts Information Management System for Critical Infrastructure

University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre prepared paper named “Large Scale Surveillance, Detection and Alerts Information Management System for Critical Infrastructure”.

A Fully Balanced Ultra-Wide Band Mixer MMIC with Multi-Tanh Triplet Input for High Dynamic Range Radar Receiver Systems

Technical university of Dresden published three papers: “A Fully Balanced Ultra-Wide Band Mixer MMIC with Multi-Tanh Triplet Input for High Dynamic Range Radar Receiver Systems” was accepted for ICNF conference in Vilnius, from June 20-23 (http://www.icnf2017.ff.vu.lt/) and another paper, named “

ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system

Paper named “ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system” has been accepted for publication in S-CI 2017 Workshop, which will take place in conjunction with ARES 2017 to be held 29 august-1 September in Reggio Calabria, Italy.

Cybersecurity in the financial sector: knowing your enemy

The financial sector is one of the most critical and sensitive sectors. Cybercriminals look to exploit it for large amounts of money and financial information.