Dynamic Threat Intelligence for Improvement of Resilience of Critical Infrastructure During Pandemics
19th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems (FedCSIS). Belgrade, Serbia
The COVID-19 pandemic is an example of a temporary situation when critical infrastructure (CI) operators had to operate with continuously changing conditions. The role of cyber infrastructure during pandemics, for example for the remote work or access to critical systems, has also changed.
ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system
ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system. Aljosa Pasic, Jose-Ramon Martinez-Salio, Susana Gonzalez Zarzosa, Rodrigo Diaz. Reggio Calabria, Italy, August 29 – September 1, 2017 (ARES 2017)
ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system
Paper named “ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system” has been accepted for publication in S-CI 2017 Workshop, which will take place in conjunction with ARES 2017 to be held 29 august-1 September in Reggio Calabria, Italy.
Large Scale Surveillance, Detection and Alerts Information Management System for Critical Infrastructure
University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre prepared paper named “Large Scale Surveillance, Detection and Alerts Information Management System for Critical Infrastructure”.
A Fully Balanced Ultra-Wide Band Mixer MMIC with Multi-Tanh Triplet Input for High Dynamic Range Radar Receiver Systems
Technical university of Dresden published three papers: “A Fully Balanced Ultra-Wide Band Mixer MMIC with Multi-Tanh Triplet Input for High Dynamic Range Radar Receiver Systems” was accepted for ICNF conference in Vilnius, from June 20-23 (http://www.icnf2017.ff.vu.lt/) and another paper, named “