EUCEI initiative -

This is the last document of a series of 3 for designing a Reference Architecture for the continuum. The first document of the series presented an initial version of a common taxonomy, considering it as a unified language for all actors of the value chain. It also introduced the initial set of building blocks that set the basis for the development of the architecture. The second document of the series drafted the functional view, including the minimum set of functionalities needed to address the cloud, edge and IoT requirements for managing the lifecycle of a service application across the continuum. closer to the edge.
With the contributions of different EU research funded projects, tackling gaps from different perspectives, the final view of how the architecture should look like was finally defined.
This paper presents graphic representation of the compositional view of the Reference Architecture, easily readable and interpretable, so it can be further reused by different actors implementing it into their own solution architecture addressing their specific needs.