daniel calvo
Daniel Calvo Alonso
Artificial Intelligence & Business Computing R&D Manager


Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Creation of Novel Services Based on Connected Vehicles

Book: Intelligent System Solutions for Auto Mobility and Beyond
New technologies have been progressively integrated into vehicles during the last thirty years.

An Artificial Intelligence-Based Collaboration Approach in Industrial IoT Manufacturing: Key Concepts, Architectural Extensions and Potential Applications

MDPI Sensors
The digitization of manufacturing industry has led to leaner and more efficient production, under the Industry 4.0 concept.

Artificial Intelligence as the second phase for IoT

ATOS Blog: https://atos.net/en/blog/artificial-intelligence-second-phase-iot-part-1

End-to-end security assessment framework for connected vehicles

Conference Paper for the International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications at Lisboa