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Javier Valiño
R&D Team Leader

Javier Valiño received a degree in Telecommunications Engineering (Telematics and Radio-communications) from the University of Cantabria in 2007. He developed his Final Project Degree in the field of point source detection in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) Plank project and the physics department at the University of Cantabria. 

He worked as a network and systems engineer leading both commercial and research projects related to IoT and 4G/5G (FP7 projects such as EARTH, EXALTED, TALOS or MiWaveS; H2020 projects such as Flex5GWare and Celtic Plus projects such as SHARING and TILAS – acting as Project coordinator and obtaining the CELTIC Plus Award of Excellence -, among others). 

He joined Atos Research and Innovation in 2016, where he currently acts as Head of the Energy, Climate and Decabornization Unit. He is the coordinator of H2020 inteGRIDy project and technical coordinator of H2020 MERLON. He is currently also overseeing the participation of Atos in the porfolio of 10+ projects being handled by the Energy Unit currently. 


Smart ICT Framework for the intelligent management of different modern energy systems

Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), At Genoa, Italy 10.1109/EEEIC.2019.8783709, 2019/06/13

Cognitive hyperconnected digital transformation. Internet of things intelligence evolution

River Publishers ISBN 978-87-93609-10-5 Chapter 8: IoT European Large-Scale Pilots - Integration, Experimentation and Testing