5GTANGO announces SONATA release 5.1

January 17th 2020 - 5GTANGO, the European project in which Atos participates a global leader in telecommunications and digital transformation, has just announ


In order to reach the Paris Agreement objectives and achieve a more sustainable energy system, the EU is aiming at increasing up to at least 32% the share of renewables in energy consumption.

Intelligence-based Cybersecurity for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

 Madrid, Spain - Atos, a global leader in Cloud, Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation, participates in the CARAMEL project, officially launched in Barcelona, Spain, on October  2

SHAR-Q celebra su evento final

El proyecto europeo SHAR-Q “Storage Capacity Sharing Over Virtual Neighbourhoods of Energy Ecosystems”, coordinado por

Atos participates in SONATA release 5.0 to develop 5G technology

September 24th, 2019 – Atos, a global leader in telecommunications and digital transformation, participates in the 5GTANGO European project aiming to research and develop 5G innova

Atos brings Cybersecurity technology to the maritime sector

Madrid, Spain - Atos, a global leader in Cloud, Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation, participates in the eagerly awaited Cyber-MAR project, officially launched in Porto Cheli, Greece on S
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Atos International: Atos participates in COSMIC EU Project to develop powerful inspection system to detect threats in shipping

COSMIC proposes an innovative approach for the detection of CBRNE materials allowing fast inspection of many containers and vehicles in seaports and in crossing borders.
woman working with a computer

8th Annual Event of Executive Women

The Annual Event of Executive Women delves into women's demands and roles in the corporate world. Download the full article and watch the video promotion.
Image representing data management and interpretation, with the figure of a person and connection points
SecureIoT Logo

Atos: use of AI techniques in SecureIoT

The process of digital transformation in which practically any area of society is involved also involves the progressive deployment of connected devices

Atos will offer visitors to the Palazzo Madama museum in Turin an advanced interactive experience on XR technology.

The guide, an advanced application, will be based on interactive technologies such as Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) on a 5G managed infrastructure.
How artificial intelligence, robotics and Big Data can support pandemic situations

How artificial intelligence, robotics and Big Data can support pandemic situations

Governments, healthcare authorities and staff are working hard to fight and overcome the Covid-19 situation worldwide.
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Atos collaborates in the European INFINITECH project for the finance and insurance sectors

INFINITECH will select 14 high-impact pilot projects to learn about customers, analyse them, manage their portfolios, anticipate fraud, use insurance and especially in agriculture.
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Flexigrid logo

Atos paves the way for flexible and sustainable energy flow in Europe

FLEXIGRID project aims to improve the operation of the distribution grid – making it more flexible, reliable and cost-efficient, through the development of innovative solutions.
ATOS coordinates the European PolicyCloud project
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ATOS coordinates the European PolicyCloud project

PolicyCloud will enable innovative approaches to evidence-based policy making to improve economic growth.
solar panels and renewable energy

The SHAR-Q project optimizes the use of renewable energies

A notable advance in the optimization of energy storage systems and their integration into electricity grids is the result of the European SHAR-Q project, an initi
Data box image to represent the Big Data proyecto DITAS

Atos announces the launch of the European DITAS project

Atos, a world leader in digital transformation, announces the launch of the DITAS Cloud platform, which allows developers to design data-intensive

Atos participates in SONATA version 5.0 to develop 5G technology

Atos, world leader in digital transformation, participates in the European 5GTANGO project with the aim of researching and developing innovative 5

Estilo Cras vulputate, turpis vel fringilla tincidunt Estilo turpis vel fringilla tincidunt Estilo


Aenean luctus, magna nec ultricies bibendum

 Aenean luctus, magna nec ultricies bibendum, arcu neque tristique augue, eu convallis dolor nisi ac justo. Maecenas quis dapibus arcu. Sed quis auctor sem, rutrum sollicitudin ante.

Sed velit eros

Donec libero nisi, scelerisque at neque sit amet, malesuada porta est. Ut sed libero in metus semper varius eu nec quam. Vestibulum ut facilisis justo.

Ut fermentum imperdiet hendrerit

Ut fermentum imperdiet hendrerit. Cras vulputate, turpis vel fringilla tincidunt,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae finibus eros. Curabitur nec interdum risus, in ultrices metus. Cras gravida ullamcorper dictum.