Best Position Paper Award at Cloud Forward 2016

The position paper produced by the RAPID project "Heterogeneous Secure Multi-level Remote Acceleration Service for Low-Power Integrated Systems and Devices" won the Best Position Paper Award, selected

STORK as key enabler in the eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015

STORK is mentioned in the eGovernment Action Plan as the key enabler for the building of a Pan-European framework for mutually recognised eID, allowing citizens and businesses to identify themselves e

Thinking Cities AWARD for the MoveUs project!

Madrid wins the 'Thinking Cities' Award thanks to the MoveUs project, in which ARI is highly involved. This is a great recognition for our team, which is in charge of the project coordination and mana

Mejores Ideas - Diario Médico 2016

Diario Médico the leading Spanish medical journal awarded ARI-Health Pocket mHealth as one of the 2016 Best Ideas in the Management category.

ARTEMIS Recognition Certificate 2015 - results that count

Congratulations to the coordinator and all partners on the successful completion of the ARTEMIS 'ENCOURAGE' project of Call 2010.
Logo Search & Rescue
Logo Search & Rescue

Kick-off of the Search & Rescue Project

The Kick-Off of the H2020 Search & Rescue (S&R) project officially took place on 21-22 July 2020.
Geiger press release
Geiger logo


On June 1, 2020, a consortium of 18 organisations launched “GEIGER”, an innovation project that aims to develop a solution that allows small businesses and entrepreneurs to become
Horizon 2020 EU Programme logo

Spain is the fourth country that receives the most funds from the EU's R&D&I programme

On this occasion, Atos ranks as the sixth largest Spanish entity in terms of project participation (166 in total, of which ARI coordinates 35 projects).
5GMED logo press release banner

5GMED: The future of mobility in the Mediterranean cross-border corridor

Through 4 pilot tests in railway and railroad between Figueres and Perpignan 5GMed will demonstrate advanced Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM
HSD&SocietalTransformation_DE4A logo

Atos coordinates DE4A project to support the implementation of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation by Public Administrations

Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, coordinates the

Atos fosters the use of Copernicus data with the project CANDELA

Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, participates and coordinates the European

The SMESEC consortium launches a framework to protect SMEs against cyber incidents

The SMESEC (Protecting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises digital technology through an innovative cyber-SECurity framework) consortium, coordinated by Atos Spa

INTERPRETER develops an innovative modular platform for efficient grid management

The boom in distributed generation has changed the operating paradigm of electricity grids.

Optimise energy grid efficiency and reduce end-user costs thanks to the single prosumers platform, developed by RENAISSANCE

Started in May 2019, RENAISSANCE Project delivers a community-driven, scalable and replicable approach to implement new business models and technologies.

DEEP Hybrid DataCloud: Results & Second Software Release

Atos is the European leader in Cloud, Cybersecurity, High-Performance Computing and provides end-to-end orchestrated Hybrid Cloud, Big Data, Business Applications, and Digital Work

DataBench Project released the results of its survey on 700 European companies focused on their actual or planned use of Big Data and Analytics

Madrid, Spain – DataBench project conducted a survey on 700 European Businesses in 11 EU Member States to evaluate the level of adoption of Big Data and Analytics solutions in

Atos participates in the most advanced tests of the 5GFORUM

Through the European project 5GENESIS, Atos will be present at the third edition of the Malaga’s 5GFORUM

Atos presents the results of SHAR-Q, the European project for the optimization of energy storage systems

Madrid, March 23rd, 2020 -​ Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, presents the results of the European proj

Performance optimization and edge computing orchestration for enhanced experience and Quality of Service

March 11, 2020 - PLEDGER is a new project coordinated by Atos Spain which started in December 2019.

5GZorro at the MWC 2020

During the next MWC 2020 Barcelona on 24 – 27 Feb 2020 representatives of the 5GZORRO Consortium will be present in order to discuss the vision project and the pla

Software Defined Application Infrastructures Management and Engineering

In recent years, the global market has seen a tremendous rise in utility computing, which serves as the back-end for practically any new technology, methodology or advancement from healthcare to ae

European Commission signs CyberSec4Europe Grant Agreement

26 February 2019, BRUSSELS - This week representatives of the European Commission signed the grant agreement launching the CyberSec4Europe project, one of four such projects to be

EU-funded project CyberSANE to transform security incident detection and handling systems


5GTANGO announces SONATA release 5.1

January 17th 2020 - 5GTANGO, the European project in which Atos participates a global leader in telecommunications and digital transformation, has just announ


In order to reach the Paris Agreement objectives and achieve a more sustainable energy system, the EU is aiming at increasing up to at least 32% the share of renewables in energy consumption.