CyberSec4Europe is designing, testing and demonstrating potential governance structures for a future European Cybersecurity Competence Network using best practice examples derived from concepts like CERN as well the expertise and experience of partners.
Project’s main objective is to pilot the consolidation and future projection of the cybersecurity capabilities required to secure and maintain European democracy and the integrity of the Digital Single Market. CyberSec4Europe has translated this broad objective into measurable, concrete steps: three policy objectives, three technical objectives and two innovation objectives.
Atos role in the project is as technology provider (cybersecurity, cloud-supporting security mechanisms, and security information sharing); commercialization and delivery to market of CyberSec4Europe results. In addition, we also lead two demonstration cases being the main link with end customers and with different working groups in Europe.:
- Incident Reporting: Will develop a platform that enables organisations or their entities to report incidents according to the different procedures and methods specified by applicable regulatory bodies, such as PSD2 and the ECB Cyber Incident Reporting Framework. The platform will specifically support cybersecurity information data sharing in a bi-directional way, allowing for a centralised or a de-centralised approach, i.e. a peer-to-peer approach.
- Medical Data Exchange: will integrate and validate in a realistic environment the research outcomes on the cyber-security sensitive and personal data protection for medical data sharing, enhancing the multi-lateral trust among stakeholders (such as Medical laboratories, Pharmaceutical companies, Insurances companies, Medical professionals and Health tech companies (connected wearables)) generating and consuming data in the medical business sector through a data marketplace platform, improving its trustworthiness and creating new business opportunities as a result.