Green Mobility Data Services for Smart Ecosystems 

GreenMov H2020 project
Ignacio Elicegui
Atos Spain
Funding Program
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Project Date

GreenMov, green and smart mobility will be improved for citizens, companies, and public administrations pivoting around three purposes:

  • The definition of Smart Data Models and a Core Vocabulary to harmonize different data sets.
  • Development of cross-services to connect diverse data sources and to promote shared functionality.
  • Cost and environmental efficiency due to enhancing better coordination between cities and regions through data portals.

Its consortium involves companies, research centers, and public administrations from four different EU-Member states: HOPU, MT3, imec, Université Côte d'Azur – IMREDD, FIWARE Foundation, Murcia and Molina del Segura municipalities, and Digital Vlaanderen.

Our role

Atos is the coordination of this project since September 2021 -its estimated duration is until August 2023- regarding the analysis of datasets for the use cases and the extension of Smart data models under which GreenMov services will be developed. Atos also leads the development of mobility services and the serverless architecture design, allowing horizontal scalability for the Context Broker component.

GreenMov H2020 project

Mixed Approach for Bike Availability Forecast

A proposal for a predictive analysis model for bike-sharing systems based on a mixed model of statistical and machine-learning approaches.
Members of the Greenmov, ODALA and INTERSTAT consortia gathered in the FIWARE Summit (Vienna)
GreenMov H2020 project

PRESS RELEASE - GreenMov Final Event at FIWARE

Greenmov (Green Mobility data models and services for smart ecosystems) and the INTERSTAT and ODALA proje