Fostering Agricultural Transformation through AI: An Open-Source AI Architecture Exploiting the MLOps Paradigm
MDPI Agronomy Journal
As the global population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, the agricultural sector faces the challenge of achieving an increase of 60% in food production without using much more land.
FAME: Federated Decentralized Trusted Data Marketplace for Embedded Finance
Due to its multivariate and multipurpose use and reuse, data’s worth is dramatically increasing, leading to an era characterized by the generation of data marketplaces towards accessing, selling, sharing, and trading data and data assets.
Analyzing Particularities of Sensor Datasets for Supporting Data Understanding and Preparation
Special Issue Applied Data Science and Intelligence
Data scientists spend much time with data cleaning tasks, and this is especially important when dealing with data gathered from sensors, as finding failures is not unusual (there is an abundance of research on anomaly detection in sensor data).
AI for dating stars: a benchmarking study for gyrochronology
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)
In astronomy, age is one of the most difficult stellar properties to measure, and gyrochronology is one of the most promising techniques for the task.
An Artificial Intelligence-Based Collaboration Approach in Industrial IoT Manufacturing: Key Concepts, Architectural Extensions and Potential Applications
MDPI Sensors
The digitization of manufacturing industry has led to leaner and more efficient production, under the Industry 4.0 concept.
Smart City IoT Services Creation through Large Scale Collaboration
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Syncronicity project
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
End-to-end security assessment framework for connected vehicles
Conference Paper for the International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications at Lisboa
Atomic Services: sustainable ecosystem of smart city services through pan-European collaboration
Conference Paper for the Global IoT Summit 2019 (GIoTS) in Aarhus, Denmark.
Building the DataBench Workflow and Architecture
International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimization
In the era of Big Data and AI, it is challenging to know all technical and business advantages of the emerging technologies.