Smart City IoT Services Creation through Large Scale Collaboration

IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Syncronicity project IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Olive Trees Stress Detection Using Sentinel

IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
In the field of plant disease protection, many approaches exist, but all acknowledge the necessity of fast and accurate identification of the source in order to make the most efficient applications.

Business Process Management for optimizing clinical processes: A systematic literature review

Health Informatics Journal
Business Process Management is a new strategy for process management that is having a major impact today. Mainly, its use is focused on the industrial, services, and business sector.

A Semantic-Enabled Platform for Realizing an Interoperable Web of Things

MDPI Sensors
Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem is experiencing a lack of interoperability across the multiple competing platforms that are available.

Earth Observation Data Mining: A use case for Forest Monitoring

Paper in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS) 2019 Conference

Data Science Workflows for the CANDELA Project

Publication in Conference proceedings/Workshop “Big Data from Space” (BiDS’19), Munich, Germany, 19-21 February 2019. ISBN 978-92-76-00034-1 ISSN 1831-9424 doi: 10.2760/848593

Atomic Services: sustainable ecosystem of smart city services through pan-European collaboration

Conference Paper for the Global IoT Summit 2019 (GIoTS) in Aarhus, Denmark.

End-to-end security assessment framework for connected vehicles

Conference Paper for the International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications at Lisboa

Smart ICT Framework for the intelligent management of different modern energy systems

Conference: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), At Genoa, Italy 10.1109/EEEIC.2019.8783709, 2019/06/13

A multipurpose ICT platform for supporting energy transition: first results in flexibility profiling

Conference: 2019 1st International Conference on Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area (SyNERGY MED) 2019/05/28

Multi-cloud provisioning of business processes

The Cloud offers enhanced flexibility in the management of resources while it promises the reduction of its cost as well as its infinite scalability. In this way, due to these advantages, there is a recent move towards migrating business processes (BPs) in the Cloud.

Collaborative SLA and reputation-based trust management in cloud federations

Industry and academia shift from the single cloud provider paradigm to cloud federations and alternative models, which orchestrate heterogeneous resources, such as Mobile Edge Computing and Fog Computing.

Engineering a QoS Provider Mechanism for Edge Computing with Deep Reinforcement Learning

With the development of new system solutions that integrate traditional cloud computing with the edge/fog computing paradigm, dynamic optimization of service execution has become a challenge due to the edge computing resources being more distributed and dynamic.

Fog-to-Cloud Computing for Farming: Low-Cost Technologies, Data Exchange, and Animal Welfare

Coordinated fog (edge) and cloud computing systems are expected to expedite the evolution of smart farming toward openness and data sharing while making agriculture economically sustainable for smaller farms.

We@Work: Wellbeing, Health and Safety at Work

Proceedings - 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Care cost for rehabilitation and treatment of work-related injuries and disorders are steadily increasing.