SMART-FI: Exploiting Open IoT Data from Smart Cities in the Future Internet Society

Springer Series, Internet of Things Technology, Communication and Computing.

ARIES Reliable European Identity Ecosystem

ERCIM News 109

Orchestrating Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Services with BPM Tools. The WITDOM Data Protection Orchestrator.

ARES '17 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security Article No. 89

Assessment of a personalized and distributed patient guidance system

International Journal of Medical Informatics Volume 101, May 2017, Pages 108-130

An SDN-based Architecture for Security Provisioning in Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) Computing Systems

Sarang Kahvazadeh, Vitor B. Souza, Xavi Masip-Bruin, Eva Marín-Tordera, Jordi Garcia, Rodrigo Diaz. An SDN-based Architecture for Security Provisioning in Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) Computing Systems. CIPSEC project.

Network Resilience in Virtualized Architectures

Network Resilience in Virtualized Architectures. IMCL'17- International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning, 30-11-2017, Greece.

Privacy Data Management and Awareness for Public Administrations: a Case Study from the Healthcare Domain

AFP2017 - ENISA Annual Privacy Forum 2017, 7 – 8 June 2017, Vienna

Grammar based genetic programming for software configuration problem

Software Product Lines (SPLs) capture commonalities and variability of product families, typically represented by means of feature models.

ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system

Paper named “ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system” has been accepted for publication in S-CI 2017 Workshop, which will take place in conjunction with ARES 2017 to be held 29 august-1 September in Reggio Calabria, Italy.

A Fully Balanced Ultra-Wide Band Mixer MMIC with Multi-Tanh Triplet Input for High Dynamic Range Radar Receiver Systems

Technical university of Dresden published three papers: “A Fully Balanced Ultra-Wide Band Mixer MMIC with Multi-Tanh Triplet Input for High Dynamic Range Radar Receiver Systems” was accepted for ICNF conference in Vilnius, from June 20-23 ( and another paper, named “

Large Scale Surveillance, Detection and Alerts Information Management System for Critical Infrastructure

University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre prepared paper named “Large Scale Surveillance, Detection and Alerts Information Management System for Critical Infrastructure”.

Adaptive Filtering as a Service for Smart City Applications

Filtering, Smart cities, Tools, Monitoring, Intelligent sensors

Coco-Cloud project: Confidential and compliant clouds

Proceedings - IEEE EMBS International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB), Valencia, Spain
The Coco-Cloud (Confidential and Compliant Cloud) project is under the scope of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission and its main objective is to allow users to share data in the Cloud, guaranteeing its privacy and security in the case of sensitive information, ensuring th

Integrating an Electronic Health Record Graphical User Interface into Nanoelectronic-Based Biosensor Technology

Proceedings - XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013 (MEDICON 2013)
Lack of good and standardised Electronic Health Record (EHR) Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) can hinder the acceptance of ground-breaking medical devices devoted to healthcare professionals and / or patients.