Analyzing Particularities of Sensor Datasets for Supporting Data Understanding and Preparation

Special Issue Applied Data Science and Intelligence
Data scientists spend much time with data cleaning tasks, and this is especially important when dealing with data gathered from sensors, as finding failures is not unusual (there is an abundance of research on anomaly detection in sensor data).

KRAKEN - Brokerage and Market Platform for Personal data

'Fighting Cyber-Crime'
The EU Horizon 2020 KRAKEN project is dedicated to building a trusted and secure personal data platform enabling exchange and analytics of personal data.

AI for dating stars: a benchmarking study for gyrochronology

2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)
In astronomy, age is one of the most difficult stellar properties to measure, and gyrochronology is one of the most promising techniques for the task.

Common pathways and functional profiles reveal underlying patterns in Breast, Kidney and Lung cancers

BMC – Biology Direct
Background: Cancer is an extremely heterogeneous disease, both intra and inter cancer types.

Developing Cyber-risk Centric Courses and Training Material for Cyber Ranges: A Systematic Approach

Title: Developing Cyber-risk Centric Courses and Training Material for Cyber Ranges: A Systematic Approach Topics: Security Awareness and Education; Threat Awareness

Functional Signatures in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Sex-Based Differences in Transcriptomic Studies

Special Issue Diagnostic and Predictive Biomarkers in Lung Cancer
While studies have established the existence of differences in the epidemiological and clinical patterns of lung adenocarcinoma between male and female patients, we know relatively little regarding the molecular mechanisms underlying such sex-based differences.

Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for the Creation of Novel Services Based on Connected Vehicles

Book: Intelligent System Solutions for Auto Mobility and Beyond
New technologies have been progressively integrated into vehicles during the last thirty years.