5GTANGO puts forth the flexible programmability of 5G networks with:
EUNITY aims to encourage, facilitate and develop the dialogue between Europe and Japan on cybersecurity and privacy research and innovation trends and challenges, in order to foster and promote cyb
The project STOP-IT (Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats) focuses on finding solutions to protect cr
SMESEC aims to provide a complete security framework carefully adjusted on the peculiarities of small and medium size companies and organizations.
CLARITY aims to demonstrate the benefit of climate services for climate proofing of vulnerable large-scale investments such as urban infrastructure
MegaM@rt2 is a set of tools, methods and guidelines to help developers in software development process in systems engineering and service development for embedded
CrowdHEALTH intends to integrate high volumes health-related heterogeneous data from multiple sources with the aim of supporting policy making decisions.
The results will provide an open and agile digital IoT market across borders will help cities and its citizens get better services; will help businesses of all sizes transparently compete and easil
Big Data will have a profound economic and societal impact in the mobility and logistics sector, which is one of the most-used industries in the world contributing to approximately 15% of GDP.
The main objective of ALFA, is the development of a system for timely detection, classification and understanding of the intentions of suspected air targets.
The goal of DITAS is to propose a framework, composed by an SDK and an execution environment, which aims to overcome the barriers that now hamper the adoption of Cloud Computing and increase the ad
The demand for larger and more interconnected software systems is constantly increasing, but the ability of developers to satisfy it is not evolving accordingly.
The main objective of the ANASTACIA project is to address cyber-security concerns by researching, developing and demonstrating a holistic solution enabling trust and security by-design for Cyber Ph
Aims to develop and deploy a Future Media Internet delivery platform for media delivery supporting personalised, interactive, mobile, and localised (PIML) workflows.
Aims to offer the largest federation worldwide of Next Generation Internet (NGI) testbeds, which provide open, accessible and reliable facilities supporting a wide variety of different research and
BDVe provides coordination and support for the H2020 projects within the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership as well as for the activities of the Big Data Value
CREATE-IoT’s aim is to stimulate collaboration between IoT initiatives, foster the take up of IoT in Europe and support the development and growth