The I-SEAMORE purpose is to provide an ecosystem, a holistic and advanced platform capable of managing the operation of multiple assets and systems with advanced maritime surveil
ELMUMY aims to elucidate the factors (clinical, epidemiological, environmental...) associated with the risk of developing Multiple Myeloma (MM), an incurable type of cancer, in patients with Monocl
The main objective of the PREDICT-6G is to design, create and validate e2e 6G solutions providing deterministic services over multiple inter-connected domains and technologies (inc
The main objective of the project is to achieve accelerated digitization in the healthcare sector to provide opportunities for cost-effective and efficient delivery of personalized care services,
TEMA seeks to advance the analysis of "extreme data" within the field of natural disaster management.
IoT developers face a very fragmented landscape made of very different devices, from bare metal devices with few KB of RAM and limited or no security protection to devices equipped with powerful su
LAGO (Lessen data Access and Governance Obstacles) will develop a European research data ecosystem (EU-RDE) roadmap for the f
VIGILANT’s overall objective is to provide a comprehensive framework and methodology that integrates the latest developments in tools tailored to analyse, detect, mitigat
SUNRISE aims to increase the resilience of critical infrastructures in order to be ready for future major events, in the light of the experience acquired during the COVID pandemics.
SEDIMARK focuses on merging the expertise of a large team of specialists to build a decentralized, secure, reliable and intelligent data and services marketplace&nbs
FERMI's will exploit a holistic and cross-disciplinary methodology towards a framework that will thoroughly analyze disinformation and fake news (D&FN) and their sources, in combinati
​​​​​​​TANGO will establish improved data sharing across sectors in a citizen-centric, secure and reliable manner, developing innovative solutions while addressing the challenges of environmental d
This project will cover challenges of the IoT-edge-cloud paradigm, proposing an approach to embed a set of functionalities, defining an IoT-Cloud Operating System (ICOS).
Mobility in the urban and maritime domains hugely impacts the global economy, generating data at high rates from an increasing number of moving objects.
Energy-intensive industries (EIIs), embedded in many strategic value chains, make up more than half of the energy consumption of the European industry and reducing their CO2 intensity is crucial fo
All Data4GreenDeal’s overall objective is to co-create and shape the European Green Deal Data Space as an open hub for findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) da
NEMO establishes itself as the gamechanger of the AIoT-edge-cloud continuum by introducing an open source, modular and cybersecure meta-operating system, leveraging on existing technologies and int
OpenContinuum supports the cloud-edge-IoT domain by focusing on the supply side of the computing continuum landscape.