LEPS – Leveraging eID in the Private Sector
Chapter in book “Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape” by River Publishers.
ISBN: 9788770220880
doi: https://doi.org/10.13052/rp-9788770220873
ARIES project
Chapter 11 in book “Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy – the European Research Landscape”, ISBN: 978-87-7022-088-0
ARIES: Evaluation of a reliable and privacy-preserving European identity management framework
In book "Future Generation Computer Systems", Volume 102, 2020, Pages 409-425, ISSN 0167-739X.
Running simulations in HPC and cloud resources by implementing enhanced TOSCA workflows
International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS)
In general, one of the complexities of large simulations is related to the usage of the heterogeneous computational resources that are needed to execute them. The definition of workflows, usually linked to concrete orchestrations solutions, has reduced most of that complexity.
ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system
ZONESEC: built-in cyber-security for wide area surveillance system. Aljosa Pasic, Jose-Ramon Martinez-Salio, Susana Gonzalez Zarzosa, Rodrigo Diaz. Reggio Calabria, Italy, August 29 – September 1, 2017 (ARES 2017)
Real-time Probabilistic Data Fusion for Large-scale IoT Applications
IEEE Access, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2804623
Knowledge is power
Article in the newspaper Thinking Cities (Vol V, Mayo 2018): behind the scenes guided tour of Ikaas project
Parallelization and Deployment of Big Data Algorithms: The TOREADOR Approach
32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA). DOI: 10.1109/WAINA.2018.00120
EO4wildlife: A Cloud Platform to Exploit Satellite Data for Animal Protection
EO4wildlife was presented during the Digital Poster session at the ESA Earth Observation Φ-week hosted in ESA-ESRIN (Frascati) from 12 to 16 November 2018.
Artificial Intelligence as the second phase for IoT
ATOS Blog:
Towards Digital and Personalized Healthcare and Well-being Solutions for the Workplace
Application of Pocket mHealth as a tool for occupational health, presented in the Workshop on Personalized Health & Intelligent Workplaces Transforming Ergonomics ‘18
From Innovative Niches to a Cooperative IoT Ecosystem. Creating Business Value for Federated and Interoperable IoT Platforms.
2nd Global IoT Summit: IoT Technologies and Applications for the Benefit of Society
Artificial Intelligence as the second phase for IoT – Part 1
Part 1 of Bylined Article about AI and IoT, published at Atos Blog
Artificial Intelligence as the second phase for IoT – Part 2
Part 2 of Bylined Article about AI and IoT, published at Atos Blog
The ElasTest Platform: Supporting Automation of End-to-End Testing of Large Complex Applications
The ElasTest Platform: Supporting Automation of End-to-End Testing of Large Complex Applications