
5GTOURS, mission accomplished

The project 5G-TOURS ended successfully in July after 36 months of work involving both Networks & Edge Technologies' units: Smart Networks & Services and Edge Technologies & Immersive Media.
IEEE ISC2 2022
MARVEL H2020 project

MARVEL to shine at the IEEE International Conference on Smart Cities

The project will hold a workshop and present a paper to which ARI has contributed an author
Logo Hexa-X
Logo Hexa-X

AI MANO (HEXA-X) and ATOS at the EC's Innovation Radar platform.

AI MANO (HEXA X) wins for Atos a new identification as a Key Innovator by the EC's Innovation Radar.​​​​​​
Strategy nomination
strategy project logo

Project STRATEGY nominated for the CEN Standards + Innovation Awards

ARI participates through leading the stream of standardization in the protection of critical infrastructures
Fishy at ECSO CS Awareness Calendar
Fishy logo

FISHY Project included in the ECSO Cybersecurity Awareness Calendar

Under the topic of the month, “Cybersecurity for Verticals”, project FISHY (coordinated by ATOS) was included in the ECSO Cybersecurity Awareness Calendar on June.
Urban Air Pollution Use Case Simulation

HiDALGO comes to an end fulfilling its objectives

Project HIDALGO has recently been completed, passing the final review in early May 2022.
circulerire portada

Circthread Linked Projects: CIRCULÉIRE

Circthread presents CIRCULÉIRE, is Ireland's National Platform for Circular Manufacturing.
PR Banner

TeraFlow project launches the 1st release of a software-defined cloud-native SDN controller

The TeraFlow OS is based on container-based microservices deployed through agile DevOps processes and continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) workflows.

HELIOS project launches the Final Release of its platform and components for the development of P2P Social Media services and Android-based apps

During 36-months, the HELIOS project has been working on the development of advanced modules, components and APIs to allow easier and faster creation of decentralized P2P social media apps by external communities of developers
european big data forum

#EBDVF21 recordings available!

18 Atos Research & Innovation presentations at the European Big Data Value Forum
PR Banner

SODALITE releases an end-to-end IaC optimisation toolkit boosting the Digital Transformation of European Industry

The European Commission-funded project SODALITE just made available a complete set of software components to enable simpler and faster development, deployment, operation and execution of applic

DEMETER Open Call: Phase II with €150,000 per consortia

Deadline: February 16th 2022
Prescribed burn in long-leaf pine forest

SILVANUS: the new european green deal project launched for wildfire management, forest resilience and climate change

Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Green Deal program and coordinated by Università Telematica Pegaso, SILVANUS project includes 49 partners from the European Union, Brazil, Indonesia, and Australia, with a budget of €23 million for a period of 42 months.
Press Release Banner

CyberSANE project successfully ends its implementation, integration, testing and pilot set-up phase

Starting 2022, CyberSANE will focus on the validation and demonstration of its system in three different domains where cyber-attacks could have a severe impact
Fair4Health Consortium

The Final Assembly of the European FAIR4Health project, involving 16 partners from 10 different countries, is held

The FAIR4Health consortium will meet on 24 November in Seville
Proyecto 5G Catalonia

'Piloto 5G Cataluña', explained in 'Expansión'

Smart cities future depends on technology
Flexigrid foto

FLEXIGRID shares its knowledge with Universidad de Cantabria

An event celebrated on October 22nd
GreenMov logo

GreenMov project proposes sustainable mobility and open data for smart ecosystems aligned to the Green Deal

The 24-month project will allow third parties to provide high-value services in green and smart mobility for citizens, companies, and public administrations.
Proyecto 5G Catalonia

5G Catalonia project gets chosen for second call for grants

This initiative is cofunded by the European Fund for Economic and Regional Development.
decenter grafico

Atos contributes to DECENTER project in the detection of anomalies in edge devices and service level agreements

Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are transforming industries and society by enabling fast and smart decision-making, with little or no human intervention.
TeraFlow PR

EU-funded project TeraFlow to develop a novel and secure cloud-native SDN controller for beyond 5G networks

Due to its multiple benefits, the technologies developed during the 30-month project mainly target telecom operators, edge and hyper-scale cloud providers
ABC4EU radio

ABC4EU Radio Interviews

Javier Presa at Gestiona Radio, Intereconomía
Aries radio interview

ARIES Radio Interviews

Pedro Soria, Elsa Prieto at Cope Noche, Empresa Exterior
Lightest radio interview

LIGHTest Radio & TV Interviews

Alicia García, Aljosa Pasic interview at Marca España RTVE Gestiona Radio

FENTEC Project Interview published in 'El País'

El objetivo de FENTEC (así se llama el proyecto, incluido en el programa Horizonte 2020 y dotado de cuatro millones de euros) es desarrollar el cifrado funcional como una alternativa e