O-CEI aims to create an open CEI platform that emphasizes interoperability, security, and reliability.
MARE focuses on providing a coordinated solution to enhance security and privacy in 6G ecosystems by leveraging the already available 6G architecture solutions from ongoing Europea
6G-LEADER aims at evolving the PHY and RAN aspects of 6G communication networks by relying on the following pillars: 
Global accelerated digital transformation, shaped by disruptive technologies (AI and Big Data, Metaverses and Web3, etc.), brings both unprecedented opportunities for EU citizens
The overall vision of MANOLO is to deliver a complete and trustworthy stack of algorithms and tools to help AI systems reach better efficiency and seamless optimization in their operations, resourc
ExPEDite’s approach is to develop and integrate modular components that can be used to analyse and predict the energy performance of a district under various “what-if” scenarios.
The main objective of SAFE-6G project is to develop Smart and Adaptive Framework for Enhancing Trust in 6G Networks, leveraging (X)AI/ML techniques to coordinate user-centric safety, security, priv
ODEON's primary objective is to revolutionise the Digital Energy transition in the EU.
Data-driven applications using AI techniques are reshaping various industries such as manufacturing, tourism, and mobility.
The main objective of the project is to devise and explore a novel approach for energy consumption and carbon-footprint reduction of ICT services in the era of next-generation mobile telecommunicat
VANGUARD aims to strengthen the fight against trafficking in human beings (THB) at the nexus of advanced technological solutions, understanding, awareness raising, and training in order to disrupt
CYDERCO aims to develop, test, and validate technologies that will support and enhance the detection and response capabilities of relevant entities, including private and national SOC’s, to fight a
DC4EU will aid in the development of the technical infrastructure to support the interoperability and implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework, through a two-year,
FAME is a joint effort of world-class experts in data management, data technologies, the data economy and digital finance to develop, deploy and launch to the global market a unique, open, publicly
AgriDataValue is a six-year project that aims to establish itself as the "game changer" in smart farming and agri-environmental monitoring, strengthening smart farming capacity, competitiveness and
The Smart Network and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) 6G flagship project Hexa-X-II leads the way to the end-to-end (E2E) system design (based on integrated and interacting technology enablers)
6G technologies, benefitting from softwarisation, Gb/s speed and sub-THz communications paradigms, open up opportunities for developing new and innovative network management strategies while naviga
GREEN.DAT.AI will demonstrate the efficiencies of the new large-scale data analytics services in four industries (Smart Energy, Smart Agriculture/Agri-food, Smart Mobility, Smart Banking) and six d