Global accelerated digital transformation, shaped by disruptive technologies (AI and Big Data, Metaverses and Web3, etc.), brings both unprecedented opportunities for EU citizens
Data-driven applications using AI techniques are reshaping various industries such as manufacturing, tourism, and mobility.
DC4EU will aid in the development of the technical infrastructure to support the interoperability and implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework, through a two-year,
SECURED will address the limitations which prevent the widespread use of SMPC and effective anonymisation (due to the lack of well understood and standardised data anonymisation methods for health
The main objective of the project is to achieve accelerated digitization in the healthcare sector to provide opportunities for cost-effective and efficient delivery of personalized care services,
TANGO will establish improved data sharing across sectors in a citizen-centric, secure and reliable manner, developing innovative solutions while addressing the challenges of environmental d
ERATOSTHENES project started in October 2021.
GreenMov, green and smart mobility will be improved for citizens, companies, and public administrations pivoting around three purposes:
The ARCADIAN-IoT project will accelerate the development of IoT systems towards decentralized, transparent and user controllable privacy
GRIDS will support and simplify the online onboarding of individual and business customers, mostly SMEs, materializing very high time and effort savings.
BD4OPEM will develop an analytic toolbox based on Big Data techniques, providing tools for enabling efficient business processes in the energy sector. By extractin
Digital Europe for All (DE4A) effectively puts forward a new Member State-driven large-scale pilot aimed at compliance with Single Digital Gateway.
DataVaults aims to deliver a novel framework and architecture that leverages personal data, coming from diverse sources (sensors, IoT, wearables, data APIs, histor
KRAKEN aims to enable the sharing, brokerage, and trading of potentially sensitive personal data, by returning the control of this data to citizens -data p
Aims to lower the barriers for Big Data, IoT, and AI-driven innovation, boosting regulatory compliance, and stimulating additional investment.
The project will provide:
The PHOENIX approach focuses on the protection of the European end-to-end EPES (Electrical Power and Energy System) (from energy production to presumption) via the
CyberSec4Europe is designing, testing and demonstrating potential governance structures for a future European Cybersecurity Competence Network using best practice
INTEGRADDE aims to develop an end-to-end Digital Additive Manufacturing (AM) solution, based on DED technologies [i.e.